Author: fleetingexistence
27 Mar: Focus Group Discussion on Needs of Young Adults
Do you feel that there are insufficient life skill programmes for young adults? BuddhistYouth Network wants to know your needs, (career, social, spiritual…) so we can organize programmes relevant and pertinent to you. Join BYN’s focus group discussion or help us find a friend. We need youths who are: 1. Between 24-29 years old 2. Consider…
25 March: One Day Mindfulness Retreat
Posted on behalf of Venerable Faxun Disclaimer: This event is not organised by The portal publicises Buddhist events for free, click here to submit your event.
Musicians’ Gathering on 27 Feb
Posted on behalf of Buddhist Fellowship Youth BF West is located at 2, Telok Blangah Road St 31, Yeo’s Building, Singapore 108942 Disclaimer: This event is not organised by The portal publicises Buddhist events for free, click here to submit your event.
Camp Ehi-Passiko 2015
Posted on behalf of Singapore Buddhist Mission (Youth) Camp Ehi-Passiko is back for the 18th time! This time with more fun, action, laughter and joy. This year, the camp is aimed at explaining, exploring and experiencing happiness/joy as lay Buddhists. So come join us for 4 days 3 nights of non-stop learning! This camp is suitable…
Buddhism and Violence: Roots of “religious” conflicts in Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Southern Thailand
By Dennis Tan Chun Yee Introduction On July 1, 2014, riots broke out in Mandalay, Myanmar’s second largest city, claiming the lives of two people as well as causing injuries to many others. The riot also led to the destruction of numerous Muslim houses and businesses. Meanwhile in Southern Thailand, the ongoing conflict between the state and…
Mindfulness for our children – What we can breathe with, we can be with
By Chua Mey-Ing, Teacher To my mind, education transcends the acquisition of knowledge and academic skills. Mindfulness offers our children an opportunity to learn to develop true presence and to understand that love and happiness are grounded in the present moment. Mindfulness is the greatest gift we can offer our children. “ For parents or…
Public Conference in Mandarin: With Dignity, Life is Happier
公开讲座: 生命尊严的幸福密码 Date and time 日期/ Date:7/ 11/ 2015(星期六/ Sat) 时间/ Time:9.15am to 6.30pm Venue 大悲佛教中心/ Tai Pei Buddhist Centre 2 Lavender St, Singapore 338823 Organised by Nectar Care Service (Singapore) Cost S$120(9月15日前,优惠票价S$100)/ S$120 (Early bird tickets at S$100 till 15 September 2015) Synopsis 安宁关怀的课题不只是病人或者长者需要关注而已,每个人在生命过程中必有遇到朋友、家人,甚至自己在不同的时候都需要面对。安宁关怀教育更是揭开华人文化的禁忌话题,让更多人明白医疗的行使自主权及决定医疗的方针,以免接受无效医疗的苦楚;还有照顾者该学习倾听同理的沟通技巧,与患者进行生命意义的探索,了解如何丰富生命的内在资源,在协助完成四道人生后如何达到身心平安的善别、灵性平安的善终及照顾者了无遗憾的善生。 今年讲座邀请了六位海内外专家为主讲嘉宾,希望各位听众能在讲师的专业知识与经验分享中获益。这场实力阵容、经验丰富的讲座分享大餐,是甘露协会回馈社会大众和支持安宁关怀事业人士的感激,敬请各位切勿错过良机,踊跃参与! 海外的讲师有:台湾台中荣总缓和医疗中心主任黄晓峰医生、台湾台大医院缓和医疗病房前护理长王浴护理长、台湾临床佛学研究协会理事长宗惇法师。 本地专家讲师是:陈笃生医院慈怀护理专科顾问医生/老年内科顾问医生梁涵宇医生(Dr Neo Han Yee)、华美中心医药总监/甘露关怀协会顾问黄卫众医生(Dr Ng Wai Chong) 和托福园社工与医疗专职主任朱慧儿…
Talk: Mindful Eating, Healthy Eating
Date: 2 Sept (Wed) Time: 7.45pm – 9.30pm Venue: Mangala Vihara Address: 30 Jln Eunos, Singapore 419495 Call to register: 6744 4285 The Speaker VENERABLE FAXUN was ordained in 1992 in Taiwan by Venerable Wu Yin of Luminary Bhikshuni Sangha, where she also went through five years of monastic training. Upon completion of her monastic training…
Dance Drama: Dharma Ashoka
Date and time of event Thurs 27 August, 8pm to Saturday 29 August, 8pm Venue The Republic Cultural Centre, Republic Polytechnic Cost None. Donations welcome Synopsis of event This is a dance drama about Emperor Ashoka who, upon realising the futility of war, turns to a more peaceful and loving life based on the teachings of…
Sound of Samadhi IV
Date and time Sunday, 27 September 2015 7:30pm to 9.30pm Venue Suntec Convention Centre Level 3, Meeting Room 324-326 Cost $68, $38, $25 (Student/Buddhist Youth Concession) Synopsis Experience the pure simplicity of our original home Sound of Samadhi is a biennial concert organised by Kwan Yin Chan Lin Zen Meditation Centre to allow city dwellers an…